I found it interesting that Sen Gaylord Nelson
first thought of earth day in the early 1960’s.
Solely because he was worried that issues regarding the environment were
not being addressed appropriately. Because of his efforts Nelson ordered a
grass roots demonstration in 1970 which was the first earth day, April 22.
I found it interesting that Earth day was the
inspiration behind why the United States created the Environmental Protection
Agency. To me it’s awesome that such a small movement can in turn create such a
big outcome. Its shows that we can ban together when we really need to make a
I found it interesting that the environmental
protection agency later passed the Clean Air, Clean water and Endangered
Species Act. I think this is so important to protecting the environment and
endangered species so we don’t let lose more species. I think that’s key to
having a fully working environment because everything plays a key role.
I like how the gentlemen explained how if you
continue to fold the table cloth that it keeps growing exponentially. He ties
that into his book called The Limits to Growth. It was the very first way they
evaluated trends can be unfolded up to centuries of years old. I think this is
a great tool to show people what the long term effects that could happen.
I find it interesting that in November 1973
there was a huge gas shortage. This was the shear growth of America and the
energy demand with the lack of resources. This caused gas price to sky rocket
in short time. Oil shipments were cut off the United States from the Arabian.
The price per barrel was up to 16$ per barrel.
I found it very interesting that the United
States realized that their standard of living could be held hostage by other
countries in the world. I think that’s a tremendous weakness to be in that
position. This in turn caused the United States to start researching renewable
energies like Solar so we don’t become reliant on other countries and downright
national security. Although nothing really came about from it.
I think it is interesting how our resources
became a monopoly to all the big corporations, etc. Because of this there was
no way that the solar entrepreneurs could not even compete with the big
companies. This to them was not even a fair fight, they couldn’t survive.
I found it interesting that when people were
protesting against all the loggers that they could have went about it in an
entirely different way. One of the loggers explained that if they approached
them with the idea of sustainable logging it would have been considered more so
than to just stop what they were doing. The logger explained that it was their livelihood
that the protester where asking them to give up.
Environmental movement became more
professionalized. The environmental movement started to get support from some
big companies the more it went on. But in turn was also susceptible to other
companies that were greater and that had bigger bank accounts.
I found it most interesting that General motors
engineers designing electric and hydrogen cars. To me I find this bizarre that
we as America didn’t pursue this more. This could have been a game changer
especially so many years ago. Senior management although seemed to have a resistance
to change because their philosophy was, “If you just keep doing what you’ve always
done, then you’re safe”.
Thank you for your excellent comments! We can learn a lot about where we are today by looking back. Even if we do achieve energy independence, we should remember that Earth’s high quality energy is finite. Reducing energy use is only now being implemented, and as you stated, the green energy entrepreneurs had little funding and small staffs. Sierra Club does now recognize the value in communication instead of accusation; however, some groups still feel the “sting” of those early days of conflict and hold resentments. That GM and others did not continue with developing electric cars goes along with the street cars (see Supplement 3) dismantled for profit by carmakers. Seems like a profit is to be made with green technology, too.